Research funding bids advice and support
Having a realistic and detailed impact plan for research is key when competing for MBIE, Royal Society, HRC, or other research grants. Clearly identifying your pathway to impact can significantly improve the application process, and your chances of success.
We help researchers make strong proposals focusing on the parts that relate to creating impact from the research. The sooner you bring us into the application process, the more we can assist you with:
- Implementation Pathway: What happens after the project? Who will pick it up and what will they do with it? How can your research lead to real world change?
- Intellectual Property (IP) Plan: Identifying the IP created by the research, how to protect, and how to deploy it.
- Connections and Support: When, and if, appropriate we can connect you with industry people such as mentors or advisory group members.
Our commercialisation experts turn research into real-world impact every day.
Unlike most researchers, our skills in marketing, finance, investment, and manufacturing combined with our business mindset, can help research teams develop realistic post-research plans, boosting assessors' confidence and making proposals more fundable.
We also specialise in IP and can create a detailed IP plan to support your goals. And if you needed even more convincing, we have efficient processes and templates to quickly co-create compelling proposals with you.
Step 1: Connect with AUT Ventures directly or through Te Kāhui Poipoi Rangahau (The Research Office).
Step 2: Submit a high-level outline of your research project.
Step 3: Work with us to create an implementation pathway worksheet.
Step 4: Work with us to create an intellectual property plan worksheet.
Step 5: You use the worksheets to complete your proposal.
Step 6: We review the implementation pathway and intellectual property plan sections within your proposal (and provide bespoke feedback).
The Research Office can provide additional guidance and support for your research funding bids.