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We’re transforming Auckland University of Technology (AUT) research and expertise into real-world impact.


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We can help commercialise your research, consult with industry, protect your intellectual property, and support your research applications.

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We can help you explore commercialisation, develop entrepreneurial ideas, protect intellectual property, and support research funding applications.

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We can help you Find an Expert to tackle your real-world challenges and connect you with commercialisation projects looking for investment.

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There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with innovation and entrepreneurship at AUT through events, workshops, or meet-ups.

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AUT's "Strength Made Easy" Technology: Revolutionizing Fitness with Eccentric Exercise

AUT Ventures news

It may seem counterintuitive, but walking downstairs builds muscle more effectively than climbing up. Who knew?

New Help for AUT Researchers to Navigate Evolving Expectations

AUT Ventures news

The recently released Science System Advisory Group (SSAG) Report makes it clear that New Zealand researchers will be increasingly encouraged to translate their work into real-world impact.

Yet another reason to celebrate innovation at AUT and the School of Future Environments

AUT Ventures news

We’re thrilled to announce and congratulate Sara Bayandor and Dr Wei-in Chen on being selected for the KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme.